I-Circle BVE 網正式採用 WordPress 及新風格

I-Circle BVE 網已經轉換了新設計,希望能為大家帶來更佳的瀏覽體驗。

同時,本網亦由 Drupal 內容管理系統轉換至 WordPress。WordPress 為各使用者提供更佳的瀏覽環境。它對我們各編輯者則提供一個更佳的編輯環境,好讓我們能夠更頻密、更快速的更新資料。

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I-Circle BVE 網正式採用 WordPress 及新風格 有 2 則回應

  1. tuen ma line 說道:

    WU KA SWA to kai tak

  2. Georgianna Breeden 說道:

    Hi there,

    Did you know that billions of searches are done through Google every day so websites such as i-circle.net need to consistently rank #1 to get noticed. In order to achieve this, you need to have reliable strategies in place.

    The following program offers 6 courses and 210 videos including a practical understanding of SEO fundamentals, from performing a technical audit to researching and applying the most effective keywords across your platforms.

    The 6 courses you’ll receive:

    1. SEO Fundamentals: The Ultimate Framework
    2. SEO – Website Technical Audit Fundamentals
    3. Local SEO: Put Your Business on the Map
    4. Blog Content Strategy
    5. Google Analytics – Fundamentals
    6. Google Analytics – Advanced

    Find out more here: https://fvrr.co/2SaYkJ5

    Kind Regards,


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